Period Promise Campaign

Period poverty is real, and exists in our own community. You can help end it. From May 1-28th, United Way will be

Virtual Community Day of Caring®

YOU’RE INVITED to participate in our first Community Day of Caring®. Join us virtually, learn about period poverty in Niagara and make

A Year of Preserving – FREE workshop

Preserving is a way of keeping vegetables year round, wrapped in a blanket of flavour complexities that only pickling and fermenting can

Period Promise Drop-Off

Niagara Falls Farmers Market 7150 Montrose Rd., Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

During the month of May, United Way is running our annual Period Promise campaign. Period Promise aims to reduce period poverty by

Period Promise Drop-Off St. Catharines

St. Catharines Farmers Market 91 King St., St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

During the month of May, United Way is running our annual Period Promise campaign. Period Promise aims to reduce period poverty by

Drive-thru Period Promise Drop-off

Seaway Mall 800 Niagara Street, Welland, ON, Canada

During the month of May, United Way is running our annual Period Promise campaign. Period Promise aims to reduce period poverty by

Can you Catch the Ace?!

United Way Niagara’s Catch the Ace gives you the chance to win cash! With weekly draws and a progressive jackpot that grows until

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