We invest in solutions to real, local social problems.

United Way Niagara works locally to raise funds and invest in programs and services that address complex human and social issues faced by individuals and families in the community. Investments impact those experiencing vulnerability in the community – addressing issues from both an immediate-needs perspective and a future-focused lens.

2023 Funded Partners

Community Fund-supported agencies

  • 211 Ontario

  • Autism Ontario – Niagara Region Chapter

  • Bethlehem Housing and Support Services

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Niagara

  • Birchway Niagara

  • BGC Niagara

  • Bridges Community Health Centre

  • Canadian Mental Health Association of Niagara

  • Community Care of St. Catharines & Thorold

  • Community Care of West Niagara

  • Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln

  • Community Living Port Colborne – Wainfleet

  • Distress Centre Niagara

  • Epilepsy Niagara

  • Family Counselling Centre Niagara

  • Family Mental Health Support Network of Niagara

  • The FORT (Foundation of Resources for Teens)

  • Fort Erie Multicultural Centre

  • Gillian’s Place

  • Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region

  • Links for Greener Learning

  • Mainstream

  • March of Dimes Canada

  • Meals on Wheels Niagara Falls

  • Meals on Wheels Port Colborne

  • Niagara Centre for Independent Living

  • Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre

  • Niagara Region Sexual Assault Centre (CARSA Inc.)

  • Niagara Regional Learning Centre

  • Niagara Women’s Enterprise Centre

  • Port Cares

  • Positive Living Niagara

  • Quest Community Health Centre

  • Southridge Church

  • St. Vincent de Paul – St. Alfred’s Conference

  • Start Me Up Niagara

  • Strive Niagara

  • The Hope Centre

  • The RAFT (Niagara Resource Service for Youth)

  • Victim Services Niagara

  • West Niagara Palliative Care Services (Rose Cottage)

  • Westview Centre4Women

  • YMCA of Niagara

  • YWCA Niagara Region

Special Projects and Emerging Issues 2023 Grant Recipients

  • Advancing Crystal Beach Charitable Foundation

  • ATTCH Niagara

  • Bethlehem Housing and Support Services

  • BGC Niagara

  • Bridges Community Health Centre

  • Caribbean Workers Outreach Project

  • Community Crew

  • Community Living Fort Erie

  • Community Living Welland Pellham

  • Faith Welland

  • Femmes du Feu Creations

  • Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre

  • Gillian’s Place

  • Healthy Start, Healthy Future

  • Heart Niagara

  • Heartland Forest Nature Experience

  • Niagara Artists Centre

  • Niagara Community Benefits Network

  • Niagara Regional Native Centre

  • Pelham Cares Inc.

  • Port Cares

  • Regional Essential Access to Connected Healthcare (REACH) Niagara Inc.

  • St Michael’s Church – Strong Fort Erie Neighbourhoods

  • West Niagara Palliative Care Services (Rose Cottage)

  • Westview Centre4Women

  • YWCA Niagara Region

Food Support 2023 Grant Recipients

  • Anglicans in Action (Greater St. Catharines Social Justice Network)

  • BGC Niagara

  • Bridges Community Health Centre

  • Christ Community Church Welland

  • Community Care St. Catharines & Thorold (on behalf of FEED Niagara)

  • Community Crew

  • Community Outreach Program Erie

  • Community Support Services of Niagara

  • Food4Kids Niagara

  • Gillian’s Place

  • Links for Greener Learning

  • Northend Church Food Bank

  • Open Arms Mission

  • Silver Spire United Church

  • Southridge Church

  • St. Vincent de Paul – St. Alfred’s Conference

  • St. Andrews/St. Mary’s Saint Vincent De Paul Conference

  • St. Michael’s Church – on behalf of Feeding Fort Erie

  • Start Me Up Niagara

  • The Bridge

  • The Crystal Ridge Dream Center

  • The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara – Migrant Farmworkers Project

  • Thorold Community Activities Group

  • Westview Centre4Women

Our Priorities

All That Kids Can Be

United Way invests in programs that encourage children and youth to reach their full potential by:

  • Increasing connectedness
  • Increasing engagement in learning, and
  • Increasing emotional and physical wellbeing

Poverty To Possibility

United Way invests in programs that meet basic human needs and move people out of poverty by:

  • Increasing employment and financial security,

  • Increasing food security, and

  • Increasing housing stability.

Healthy People, Strong Communities

United Way invests in programs that build social capital, wellbeing and resiliency – for people and neighbourhoods.

  • Increasing connections to supports,
  • Increasing neighbourhood and community engagement, and
  • Increasing personal wellbeing and safety.

Our Community Investment Process

Our Community Investment Process allows United Way to invest in the most pressing and complex human and social needs facing our community. Each year, we accept applications for funding in one of three priority areas on a rotating basis: All That Kids Can Be, Healthy People, Strong Communities and Poverty To Possibility. Applications are evaluated by our panel of dedicated volunteers to ensure that our donors contributions are invested where they can create the greatest impact.


Explore some of our most frequently asked questions, contact us here if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for.

In today’s complex world, it often takes more than just one person, agency or program to make a big and lasting difference in people’s lives. United Way Niagara exists to support the most vulnerable people, when and where they need it, by investing in life-changing programs that strengthen the social safety net and build capacity in Niagara.

We face poverty head on, addressing the interconnected issues it causes every day; homelessness, food insecurity, isolation, mental health and addiction. United, we address the challenges of today – meeting basic, urgent needs – while building a stronger community for everyone who lives here, paving the way for a better tomorrow.

United Way utilizes a Community Investment Process to allocate funds to programs and services that will achieve the greatest results and impact. A team of dedicated panel volunteers review funding applications and recommend funding investments based on a priority area framework evaluation. Funds are invested in Niagara’s programs and services through a mulit-year funding commitment and evaluated annually to ensure our donor’s dollars are achieving the intended outcomes.

In order to be eligible for United Way funding, an organization must be non-profit, charitable and have a clearly stated purpose and function within the social and human services sector. The organization must:

  • Be incorporated and registered as a charitable organization under the Canada Income Tax Act;
  • Have a voluntary Board of Directors;
  • Operate programming in the human or social services sector that does not duplicate an existing program; and
  • Operate within the Niagara Region;

United Way cannot fund mandated government services; programs in the arts, culture, heritage or the environment; individual, religious or political activities. United Way does not fund capital program costs or related expenses.

Agencies are evaluated on program and organizational standards. The organization must demonstrate that the program/service they are requesting funding for meets a need in the community, that their proposed program/service is effective in responding to said need, and whether they are achieving desired outcomes for those being served and the community as a whole. The organization must also demonstrate appropriate practices around organizational capacity, management and financial accountability.

A single donation to United Way Niagara means you are helping local agencies and community service organizations to create hope and possibility for over 160,000 people living in our community. No other single agency impacts as many lives in Niagara. Together, we make a difference every single day.

Life is complicated — for the family living in poverty, the child struggling in school or the person living with a mental illness – there is often no single way to move forward. Our funding provides relief when basic needs such as food or shelter are nowhere to be found while also creating hope by helping job seekers to find work and youth to go on to graduate. These are only a few of the ways your donation creates change. When you give to United Way you are changing lives.

Our Community Investment Process is a multi-year process that provides agencies a funding commitment for three years. This ensures the programs have the capacity, stability and time to achieve outcomes. Programs are evaluated annually and after three years of funding, an agency must re-apply.

Through our investments we aim to have the greatest impact on our community’s evolving needs.

While United Way Niagara is the largest non-government funder of social and human services in Niagara, we simply aren’t able to fully fund an agency for all their initiatives. Agencies often are required to conduct their own fundraising campaigns, events and initiatives to complement United Way funding. Our funded partners work alongside our Fall Campaign to address their unique needs.

Donations to United Way Niagara are put into the Community Fund. This is the general investment pot that supports the network of agencies and programs in our community that are working to help those in need and give everyone a chance to thrive in Niagara. Our partner agencies rely on sustainable funding year-over-year, to plan and execute the programs that help so many people.

Unrestricted gifts allow our dedicated Community Investment volunteers to shift funds and grants to address the areas and issues of highest need. Being in constant communication with local agencies who are on the ground in our community, we know where funds will make the greatest impact.

Our goal is to grant funds to programs and agencies that can create the most impact possible – thus helping more people and in stronger more effective ways. We don’t want to put a band-aid on an issue while deeper root causes go unchecked. Providing the supports that can connect people to affordable housing or life skills for long-term success can be the difference that breaks deep-rooted cycles of poverty.

*Any donation made to United Way Niagara will be allocated according to the wishes of the donor. This includes designating donations to a specific community, charitable agency or program.


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United Way Niagara is strongly committed to diversity and equity within our community and to providing a welcoming and inclusive workplace. We are proud to be a Certified Living Wage Employer.