If your basic needs are not met, how can you deal with anything else?

For most of us, a morning routine of getting out of bed and making coffee is so ingrained that we hardly have to think about it. However, for the people walking through the doors at Start Me Up Niagara (SMUN), these seemingly mundane tasks are luxuries you don’t take for granted.

SMUN is “the one place you can come where no one will judge you,” said one client as he waited for fresh coffee to brew.
“When you look like I do, you aren’t welcome in many places.”

SMUN, a United Way-supported agency, is “the one place you can come where no one will judge you,” said one client as he waited for fresh coffee to brew.
“When you look like I do, you aren’t welcome in many places,” he said. Open five days a week, with lunches available on weekends, SMUN welcomes anyone
without judgement. The agency offers a wide range of services and supports, working with individuals at their own pace.

“We have helped people avoid eviction and found stable housing for others. We have helped people find employment and become financially independent.”

“Before coming to Start Me Up, budgeting wasn’t really something I thought about. But now it’s something I do every month to ensure I can feed myself and pay rent. Honestly I’m afraid to wonder where I’d be if I never started coming here.” -Spencer“The people we serve are highly marginalized,” said Laura Dumas, Executive Director of Start Me Up Niagara, “but they are still people.” SMUN ensures
that basic needs are met first – offering food, meals, a warm place to rest your feet, even semi-urgent medical attention – then they can focus on the rest.
Acting as a comprehensive resource hub, SMUN facilitates access to essential services, fostering trust and relationships crucial for progress. When individuals
are ready they will have access to income, housing and employment supports. “We have helped people avoid eviction and found stable housing for others. We have helped people find employment and become financially independent,” said Dumas.

“The people we serve are highly marginalized,” said Laura Dumas, Executive Director of Start Me Up Niagara, “but they are still people.” SMUN ensures that basic needs are met first – offering food, meals, a warm place to rest your feet, even semi-urgent medical attention – then they can focus on the rest.

When people have consistent, reliable access to food, warmth and emotional support, they can begin to unpack an emotional history of trauma and adversity. One step at a time, SMUN is helping people build better futures.